Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mega Man Hat

You know how in the classic 8-bit MegaMan games you just keep dieing over and over till you learn the right patterns? Creating the MegaMan hat was eerily like that. We worked on and off trying to develop something that looked even close to good. Pattern books were consulted. The Internet was researched. We even had a sheep and an old crone ready to read it's entrails. And what we found was that nothing was quite right. Nothing had the right feel. Were we doing this right? Here's just two of our early attempts

Megaman Prototype 1

As you can see, we started with a base beanie and then continued the yarn down the back to simulate the curvature of the helmet. The theory was sound, but the effect when placed on a real human head left much to be desired. We stopped the project at that point.

MegaMan Prototype 2

The second attempt tried for a different effect. Since the first had warped so badly on the sides of the helmet we tried for a tie down strap under the chin. This is also the first time we tried the side orbs which we modified slightly for the final design. The triangle in the front between the eyes tried to compensate for the lack of curvature around the face that you see in drawings of Megamans helmet. This wasn't quite what we looking for either.

MegaMan Final

So we started from scratch. We tried to capture the essence of MegaMan without recreating him perfectly. Judging from the number of them sold, I say people like it.


Blogger Pagz said...

I am the proud owner of one of your Mega Man hats and I love it. It got big props from my friends. Definitely been wearing it while I've been playing Mega Man 9. Thanks a lot, it's wicked.

January 12, 2009 at 12:40 AM  

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